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Friday 21 April 2017

Feeling Empty - (1665)


There are times when we feel an emptiness that is quite painful.

This may occur after a retreat, or after close friends or family leave return home from a visiting, or someone leaves us or a relationship ends or a person close to us is very upset with us, etc.

Why do we feel empty when our essence and our Being are always there with us? There has to be a reason for that. Let's see some of the reasons.

Reasons for Feeling Empty


One reason is that we indeed could be very far from our inner Being and so naturally we do feel empty, with certain times being worse than others. However, I think this is not the main reason.

Two - Main Reason

The second reason is that there is something in our psychology that wants that we be inside the other person's heart or that we occupy a place in their inner space or that we are there with them in their relationship with their Being. The pain comes from the fact that during those special moments when a retreat ends, when a relationship falters etc. we realise the truth that we are not in their inner space and that we can't be there with them in their inner space with their Being and so we feel pain. 

Furthermore, we feel this pain because we are actually outside of ourselves far from our own inner house and our essence and our Being. We are actually trying to be inside another person rather than being within ourselves. So this is why we feel empty because we are outside of ourselves leaving ourselves empty.


We need to understand a truth here and that is, that everyone is only in their inner space with the inner own Being.

End (1665).  

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