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Wednesday 5 April 2017

People Love According to the Role they Play in the Lives of Others – (1634)

People Love in Different Ways

When it comes down to human physical and psychological grounds, every person has a way to love. There are reasons for this that of course lie within the person. One of these reasons may be the role that they are charged with (consciously or unconsciously) playing in our life.

We have parents, siblings, teachers, friends and a master and a guru. Each to some degree is a role, and part of that role is a kind of love and a way of expressing that love.

Know the Role Others Play in Our Life

We can’t expect the same love from everyone in our life when they all have different roles in our lives, can we? The way a teacher expresses love is different to the way a friend expresses love.

If perhaps the teacher were to love in the same way that a friend does, that teacher may not be able to fulfil their role of teaching us. If the friend expressed their love in the way a teacher does, we would not call that friend a friend would we?

Our mistake is that we don’t recognise the role others have to play in our life and so we expect the same love from everyone and if they don’t meet that expectation we get disappointed and complain that they do not love us.

If we can know the role others play in our life, we can put many things into perspective and not get disappointed.

The most confusing cases are when a friend is both a friend and a teacher.

Love by Fulfilling their Role

Basically, everyone loves us by fulfilling the role that the Being, the Divine Mother and the Law have given to those people in our lives to fulfil.

Some roles may be very ample and include a very nurturing and supportive love and also include ‘tough love’ while another may be very narrow and only include ‘tough love’. Obviously the role of husband or wife includes many types of love and ways of love. To always expect the same type and way is to be stuck in a small section of life or reality and this produces suffering when we are face the other sides of reality and life.

Our suffering in life comes from not being able to so easily accept the new sides and events that life brings. Our attachment to the way we believe things should be, is suffering.


What are the roles others have in your life, meditate on them and identify them for yourself. Then meditate on the role who play in the lives of others and are you fulfilling that role well?

End (1634).

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