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Wednesday 5 April 2017

The Body as an Expression of Divine Principles – (1635)

In Principle

In principle all the human bodies are the same. Behind their creation and expression are several divine principles, where we could say that ‘Divine’ means eternal and universal, essentially cosmic in nature.

Male and Female Bodies

Male and female bodies are special, because they are the result of the divine masculine and feminine principles operating on form (matter).

Female Body

The female body is the result of the Divine Feminine principle having operated over matter.

The female body is the physical embodiment and expression of the Divine feminine principle and the same for the male body; where the male human body embodies and expresses physically, the cosmic masculine principles.

In Reality

So what a person in reality admires, when he or she admires the female or male physical body are the divine male and female principles behind those bodies.

All the female and male bodies are the same in structure, parts and nature due to the same principles having taken part in their creation.

Lust Disappears when Considering the Principles

When we take our admiration up and into this level of the Divine principles that have created the physical body, lust disappears.

Lust lives in ignorance of what has actually created the things that it likes. In other words, it is ignorant of the Divine principles that and this ignorance sustains it.

If we consider the origin of the things that the “I’s” of lust like, a very interesting effect takes place: lust flees. This is because lust lives in the perception that it’s likes are all about matter and have nothing to do with the spirit or the Divine. Lust is a limited and incomplete view. When we broaden our view encompassing the esoteric we see that lust has a skewed, incomplete and erred view and that makes us to change.

End (1635).

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