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Thursday 20 April 2017

We are Sexual Energy – (1664)

Cosmic Scale of Things

We are from the cosmic scale of things a seed or in others words a unit of raw sexual energy.

We are water essentially, and inside the water is fire, where the fire is the essence, which encloses the consciousness.

Inside Water is Fire

This is exactly like our sexual energy. Inside of our sexual energy (ens seminis) is the fire.

As our sexual energy needs to be transformed with transmutation so do we, because we are the raw sexual energy of the cosmos.

Fire Liberated from the Water

We need to be as a whole transmuted or trans-formed. Just as our sexual energy is transmuted via the sexual contact within the sexual union we too are transformed/transmuted via the friction from outside of ourselves which are the difficult circumstances of our life.

Difficult Circumstances

With the difficult circumstances the fire inside of ourselves can burn brighter and transform ourselves, that is transform the matter or water into more fire, which is energy and consciousness, which is also liberation.

End (1664).

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