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Sunday 21 May 2017

Coffee Ego! – (1723)


Where I work, the receptionist is charge of cleaning both coffee machines. These machines are quite elaborate and to clean them is bit of an involved procedure. One really has to learn the procedure and have access to the right coffee machine manufacturer supplied cleaning products (cleaning solution and cleaning tablets).

The receptionist taught me the procedure and gave me the cleaning products for me to clean the machines while she is way for a week. So this morning I had to clean the machines, because they are cleaned on Monday and Thursday mornings.

Except that this morning, Monday morning, I just plain forgot.

Angry Coffee Egos

The coffee machines when they have not been cleaned on time are set to stop working and so very soon there were a lot of angry, frustrated, annoyed and complaining people around the office. When I realised this and remembered and went to clean the machines I got some pretty vicious looks.

I began to complain internally a little bit saying to myself: “Wow these people are weak, no coffee makes them really annoyed.”. Then I began to try and understand the situation: “Well what do I expect they have the egos of annoyance and the ego of drinking coffee!”. People have the desire to drink coffee to compensate their lack of sleep and to remove the cloudy feeling in their head and obviously when there is a delay in being able to compensate that desire they believe that the person behind the delay is the one harming them.

Gnostic People Have these “I’s” Too

To be honest many Gnostic people have these coffee “I’s” as well. In reality compared to the other “I’s” that we have, the coffee “I” is not bad at all, and many times the coffee “I” or “I’s” make coffee for everyone else as well which is good isn’t it?


I would be aware of having this “I”. I am aware of it in me now after this morning’s experience. If you feel like you need a coffee and that you are not quite right without it and if you feel annoyed and a little angry without one, then you have this “I”.

If it is an “I” it has some of our essence and consciousness in it! What do you want? To be angry and annoyed and dependent or free and empowered with a little more will to command your own physiology? 

End (1723).

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