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Saturday 20 May 2017

State of Alertness - Your Best Learning and Fighting Tool - (1722)


Say that you could only devote yourself to one practice for the awakening of your consciousness, that practice would be: "the state of alertness".  

(The state of alertness is to be acutely aware of our psychological processes and to be waiting with intense alertness for what next can appear in our psychology).

This practice intensely activates your consciousness, is done by the consciousness and exercises your conscious will. Everyone can do it and it has very important ramifications for our awakening of consciousness, self-knowledge and mystical death. 


Being in a state of alertness one can learn about themselves. We may read many books about psychology, esoteric psychology and even esotericism and become very frustrated because we still only know very little about ourselves. However, with the state of alertness we can learn directly in a conscious and real way. To be in a state of alertness is to read the book of our own nature. So with eh state of alertness we can do away with so much study and book reading. We should not stop studying though. Because the combining study with the state of alertness affords us many interesting discoveries, insights and understanding.

Natural State of Alertness - What we must do within our Psychology.


When we are working on the ego, lowering our guard is the biggest mistake that we can make. The state of alertness is to give ourselves the chance to see the ego coming so that we can learn something new about it and stop or divert it.

When the ego is approaching the human machine from the subconscious we can fight successfully. As soon as it is in the human machine the battle is much more difficult. Of course though we can succeed and we and others have many many times. Without the state of alertness to not get identified with the ego is impossible.

Constant Reminder

The real situation is, is that we drop so frequently in and out of the state of alertness. The solution is to just as frequently remember it, and start again as many times as we forget. As soon as you remember it, you are doing it again.


A day practicing the state of alertness is well worth it! More awakening, more self-knowledge, more will, less mistakes etc. etc.

To the battle!

End (1722).

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