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Monday 1 May 2017

Don’t Hang it on Others Hang it on Your Being – (1685)


This is not for anyone! It is only a discovery I have made within myself. It may be useful for you or it may not. Feel free to discard.

Hang It On Your Being First

We tend to hang things on others at first glance and forget our Being altogether. We should hang our decisions, difficulties and worries on our Being first and foremost them seek help, after having sought help first internally.

This way the help we receive from others can be guided by our Being and the Masters whom we have first asked help from.

Work Hard First Before Hanging it On Others

This I think does not need much more explanation, It is pretty clear. Always work on it before and ask help internally before hanging things on others or asking for help from others. For the reason given above. You always want to arrive at what your Being wants for you. Let it know you need help and let it guide that help whether it be external or internal.

But don't go to the extreme of making our Being a coat hanger either.

End (1685).

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