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Monday 1 May 2017

Importance of Someone – How Important? – (1684)


Someone can be so important to us in our life that after a while things end up going wrong, very wrong inside of ourselves.

Balance always. We can give too little or too less. When we give too little we are cold externally and when we give too much we are cold internally. So what happens when we give too much?

When we Give too Much

We vacate our interior, we begin to live in our thought forms that we think are the other person. Because we can never live in another person. We forget our Being, our work even, even our duties somewhat. When the other rejects us the results are devastating emotions.

It is easy from the start to keep the balance of not giving too much. But what about when we have given too much already?

When We Have Given Too Much

We obviously have to correct things don’t we. We have to subtract things and put them in the right place. We may do it tactfully to create as less pain, trouble or difficulty as possible, if you like. We also must heal the wounds that we have created as well.

We must act though, give less and give more to yourself at exactly the same time. See that you are residing more inside yourself now, you are bringing warmth to yourself. You are setting things up for there to be less pain for you and the other now and in the future.

We reverse things by understanding this, by knowing that we are benefiting ourselves in the right way now, which will benefit the other in a better way (give them freedom) and it is to be closer to our Being. Reversing really becomes true when we begin baby step at a time to do it, to carry out what we have understood.

Someone Should not Be More Important Than Your Being

If you feel like this oh no oh no! Alarm bells! You have to do something to mitigate this. Because it is only going to bring you pain. Because it is not the stable, legitimate position to be in. No spiritual master ever felt this way or taught us that this is the way!

To love others yes we must, but to do this is, make someone more that our Being is not to love, or at least not to set us up for love. Because doing this leads to profound resentment and hatred of others. You know many of those black magicians etc. and people who have done terrible things were in the beginning great a love but made mistakes like this. The black magicians are full of pain and ever lasting resentments.

Basically the ego in us does this, displaces the Being in us for another. The consciousness does not displace its source, only the ego does this so that it can be the exclusive one, the only one without obstacle to receive its food. When the other displaces us unfortunately the results speak, the ego is profoundly hurt and in its hurt it makes many errors.

End (1684).

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