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Tuesday 16 May 2017

It is Obvious Animals Pay Karma – (1715)

Introduction - Observation

It is really obvious when we look at the conditions in which animals live in and pass through, that they too pay karma.

There are dogs that are loved by the whole family, that are fed well, walked as often as necessary and sleep inside the house sheltered from the cold, the heat and the rain. Then there are dogs that are mistreated, malnourished, kept in cages and used to fight almost to death.

In conclusion here, there are some animals that are certainly paying much less karma than others and we may even say that these animals may have a certain level of dharma. While others seem to be paying karma non-stop.

This one very observation is very interesting and tells us a lot about the cycle of involution and evolution.

Dog fighting - a karma for the poor elemental in the body of a dog. The dog can not escape it, it is
imposed on it by force. When there is no escape there is karma.

What this Tells Us

 From what we know about karma we can say the following things in relation to karma in the animal kingdom.

·         Karmic debt is also paid in the animal kingdom.

·         If there is karma there is learning, meaning the elemental (essence) in an animal is learning.

·      If there is karma there is pain and suffering. Meaning animals of course feel pain and of course they suffer too. Many people ignore this thinking that they don't suffer like us but they suffer greatly.

·         If there is karma there has been mistakes. Either left over from being human or animals too acting outside of their instincts transgress or break balance and also incur in karmic debt

·        Not all the human karma gets paid while an essence has a human body. There must be left over karma.

·         Obviously if an elemental is paying karma in an animal body it means that it is in involution. This is because once the essence is completely free karma has been paid. The evolution of the essence to the humanoid state begins once the essence is free.

·         Involution is karmic.

·    We may extrapolate this to say that karma is present in all four kingdoms (human, animal, vegetable and mineral) in the involutionary side of the cycle.


Do something today to wash away the karma that we still have. Even better make it a goal for the day. The best way of paying karma is psychological death and transmuting. Psychological death is action.

End (1715).

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