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Wednesday 17 May 2017

Trust in the Being and the Law Takes you Above Mental Struggles – (1716)

Just Trust

If you just trust in your Being and in the fact that the Divine Law always makes everything right and just, then that trust will lift you up above the mental and very human struggles of the opposites. Above the fight for what is fair and what is not fair etc. etc.

Trust in your Eagle (Being) makes your heart soar!

Things may look unfair. Then our trust would tell us that "that is the way that it must be". If it is wrong our trust will say that "the Law will correct it at some point later on down the track".

If you have trust in one area, understand well the way trust works and then extend that same trust into the other areas of your life where there is distrust so to cultivate trust in those areas.

End (1716).

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