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Wednesday 17 May 2017

Prayer Brings Psychological Order– (1717)

The Order in You

The order in you is your Real Being. Because in your Being are your real priorities, urgencies and your real self. All that you are, is there and so if we want real order it makes sense that we must focus on that part which is our real self. The real Being is also our reality that encompasses our physical, psychological and esoteric aspects of our life.

Order is Your Being

Really for the person who works on him or herself the order is the Being, that is to put our Being first. As soon as we do that, order appears in our life. We can do that just sometimes by deciding to consult our Being, or even to remember our Being or even to prayer to our Being.

What is Not Real

What is not real does not bring fulfilment or contentment or order to our system and leads us astray and causes us to feel a little lost, always behind, always trying to catch up, the sensation of having forgotten things, wasting time, the sensation of running late.


Prayer is wonderful that it is our way of using our essence to make contact with our Real Being.  When our essence makes some kind of contact with our Real Being a kind of communication occurs. Then our essence communicating with our Real Being can receive some messages (feelings, intuitions, ideas, images etc.) of what is needed or important to us.

Even we can express what is important to us so that with the help of prayer and the connection to our Real Being that prayer helps to establish we can reveal to our own selves the order that we need and the action that we need to take.

Sometimes Meditation and Sometimes Prayer

Sometimes mediation is useful to bring order and sometimes it is not. If meditation is not useful then try prayer. And when prayer does not seem to work try meditation.


Your Being, your Being, your Being!

End (1717).

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