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Friday 30 June 2017

At the Right Place at the Right Time – (1800)

Success Stories of Right Time and Right Moment

In life, we so often hear stories about how someone was doing it very tough for a while then one day they received a lucky break and from that point onwards went from success to success and ended doing very well.

If you look at each individual case it seems as if it was a stroke of good fortune that put the person in the right place at the right time. But was it? This element is so common in so many success and disaster stories that it makes one think.

Was it perhaps Dharma or Karma or destiny?

Key Behind it All - Prior Sacrifice!

In so many cases of being in the right place at the right time success stories there is behind the scene many years of tough times, sacrifice, persistence and tenacity. From the point of view of karma and dharma this previous suffering and work was what magically brought this lucky break into manifestation.

Wrong Place at the Wrong Time

There is also the many cases of being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Obviously, this is not quite a stroke of misfortune, it was something due to happen, according to our karma. It is so very cruel to say but if one accepts the Law of Cause and Effect one has to see that as work brings about a lucky break, work of the corresponding kind brings about an unlucky break.


The conclusion to this post is to trust, because if we work at something and work at it whether it be something human or spiritual/esoteric our sacrifice e and work will bring us the lucky break that we need to become a success story. That is, a transformation from misfortune to fortunate.

We have to trust in the work and our work. More so trust, in the force of the sincerity of your efforts made in your work.

End (1800).

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