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Thursday 29 June 2017

To Get a Result Use the Law of Three – (1799)

If there are Polarities there is Sexuality and if there is Sexuality there is the Law of Three

Sexuality is the law of three. Sexuality and the Law of Three is not only in the sexual act it is everywhere. In fact, wherever there are polarities there is the potential for sexuality and therefore the potential for the Law of Three to operate and therefore the possibility of a result.

That is why consciousness, balance, justice, light and wisdom are all related to sexuality because of the Law of Three. Consciousness is the result of the third option, as is balance. Consciousness as is wisdom, is the result of synthesis of the two opposites. It is sexuality that combines the two opposites and produces the third.

That is why consciousness and the sexual energy being transmuted complement each other and when one is lost the other is also lost.

Will and Imagination Combined is Sexuality

Will is masculine and imagination is feminine and when they combine a result is formed. Combining the two is sexuality in a different way of course then the sexual act, but sexuality.

Whenever there is a result the Law of Three has created it.

End (1799).

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