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Tuesday 6 June 2017

Ever Been Undercharged for Something? – Then Go Back and Pay the Full Amount! – (1754)

It Happens

It happens now and then that we are charged less that what we should be charged. This can happen when paying or something at a shop, when receiving an invoice or when shopping online.

Because it often happens the other way around, that we are charged more, we tend to say to ourselves: “oh great some good luck to make up for all the times I have been robbed and overcharged!”.

Careful Wrong !

However, from the work on ourselves and the path point of view we are wrong if we think that way, and more so if we act that way!

If we don’t realise it ok. But if we do realise it and voluntarily walk away and forget all about it, we are in the wrong. If we go back even a day later things are ok.

Go Back to the Shop

Going back to the shop and explaining the situation will tell us if it is a real payment or compensation by the Divine Law of not.

If the shop then charge us the correct amount then things are in order and that is what we were expecting to pay anyway, so nothing lost.

If they say forget about it, then it is a gift or a compensation.

In any case, it is justice to go back to the shop or contact the business that undercharged us.

If we Don’t – What we Lose

Then we may fail a test. We incur in a debt. Sooner or later we will lose the amount we didn’t pay or be overcharged the amount we didn’t pay and worst of all, we lose a min fraction of one of the values of our soul, called honesty and fairness.

End (1754).

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