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Tuesday 6 June 2017

The Desire for Intimacy and Closeness – (1753)


Sometimes this desire moves in us. Sometimes for a short time and sometimes for a long time. There may be circumstantial reasons for this and then there may not.

This desire may move more in others and less in others. There are of course reasons for this. I want to touch on the profound reasons for this desire in this post.

I hope that after reading this post you will be able to have an inkling of why this desire is more relevant to different individuals, and to understand that there is a reason for this desire and its ensuing pain, and this reason has to do with our intimate relationship with our Inner Being.

Aren't after all, all relationships relationships with ourselves? Don't worry too much if this does not make sense read on, it will make more sense.

Something to Look Into

Here is the crunch, ready... obviously, we are not very close to our inner Being (we forget our Being) in the moment when we desire to be intimate (does not have to be sexually) with another or close to another. Especially when we feel the pain of not being able to be intimate or close. What do you think about this statement? Is that true?

If that desire does not encompass some aspect of the work towards our inner Being in it, then for me the above statement is quite true or close to being true.

Read on...

Sense of Loss that is Felt with this Desire

The sense of loss that we feel when we desire to be close or intimate is akin to the sense of loss of our inner Being. It is like we have lost closeness, communication, and the trust of our Being, which is the same as trust in our inner Being.

You know what my marvellous missionary said out of the blue the other day? He said that when a person wants to be loved and close to people or a person, it is due to karma and the loss of trust in the Being. What? Read on...

How Close are you with your Being?

A very pertinent question to ask is how close are you to your inner Being? Or how close do you feel to your inner Being? I think and feel that answering this question honestly will reveal an answer to this question of that desire for intimacy or closeness. 

To Conclude

The origin of any desire has a reason. There is a reason for the desires that we feel. Many of those reasons fall under the umbrella of compensation. Meaning we have a desire to compensate for a lack or an imbalance to do with something deep within us. Could that lack or imbalance be that we are too far away from our inner Being or have drifted a bit too far away when we can be closer? If so, like my marvellous missionary would say: “GET CLOSER!” “DO IT!” “I DON’T KNOW - GET CLOSER!”, “C’MON DO IT”. How? You know how to do it, start doing it now and you will see!

If we are closer and more intimate with the deeper part of ourselves - our inner Being, this desire will hurt less. That awful feeling of loss will be less.

End (1753).

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