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Tuesday 6 June 2017

Fundamental Tendency and Inner Urgency Calculator - (1751)

Inner Urgency

The inner urgency reveals the values that one must acquire in this life. It explains what a person constantly grapples with as well as explaining many of the events that a person passes through in life.

It is a number determined by calculating the Kabbalistic addition of the person's date of birth.

Enter your day of birth as a two digit number:

Enter your month of birth as a two digit number:

Enter your year of birth as a four digit number:

Inner Urgency:
Inner Urgency Reduced:

Fundamental Tendency

The fundamental tendency describes the central characteristic or characteristics that a person has in his or her life.

It is a number calculated by the kabbalistic sum of the person's inner urgency plus the number of letters in the person's full name.

Enter your full name with a space in between each part:

Kabbalistic Addition of Full Name:

Kabbalistic Reduction of Full Name:

Fundamental Tendency:

Fundamental Tendency Reduced:

Once again you will need the book Tarot and Kabbalah to decipher what each number means for a person’s life.

I hope in future revisions of these calculators to include a summary of what each number means. Also only ever do one Kabbalistic reduction.

End (1751).

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