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Tuesday 6 June 2017

Bored and Stagnated Means a New Octave is Needed – (1752)

A New Octave of Understanding and Being is Needed

When we feel bored or stagnated a new octave in understanding and in ‘being’ is needed. In other words we have to go deeper into the consciousness of things.

The new octave we have to give is in our consciousness. We need to become more conscious of the work of an ego or what we feel bored or stagnated in.

This of course requires a new effort. 

Notice Something

When people are bored and don’t produce a new octave upwards and inwards in their consciousness and Being they still produce a new octave, however it is an inferior one.

When people in general for example, are bored with sex, instead of finding a new octave in love, meaning, or towards the mystical (i.e. finding transmutation), they end going into one of these deviations. They divert their sexual energies and currents into one of the many diversions, and they if they don’t stop, they can become very sexually fragmented and deeply lost in all these diversions.

This also happens when people are bored with the work on themselves. They abandon it to do something else which usually is complicated, involved and more consuming of their attention.


When we feel bored or stagnated delve into your consciousness and seek the new, the revelation with your consciousness. It is of course more difficult but it is much more rewarding.

The work is mostly like that, requires more effort but is more rewarding. In the end it is the wiser choice.

End (1752).

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