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Thursday 8 June 2017

Notes on the Consciousness Posts – (1762)

Posts 1755 to 1761

Here below on this site, are several posts (1755 to 1761) to do with our consciousness.

They come from my notes that I took during an excellent retreat held recently. The content or teachings in these posts are not mine, they are my marvellous missionary’s.

Use them to your advantage!

Of Supreme Importance!

Of supreme importance is to find your own consciousness, and exercise it and pay ultra-keen attention to it.

Observing it constantly through constant use, and then you too will uncover its mysteries and ways of functioning just as all the others have done before you.

Note: "observing through constant use". You have to use your consciousness to see how it works!

Use the teachings present here as clues, indicators, guides to help you do this.

Above all, put your attention onto your consciousness and persist and persist until it sharpens so that you can use it at will to penetrate into your same very own consciousness and into the deeper recesses of your subconscious, your mind and your inner Being. Go!

End (1762).

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