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Thursday 8 June 2017

Trust in Our Being can Help us to Dissolve Lust - (1763)

The Direction to Our Inner Being

The direction to find the Being in us is: in and up. Which is the same direction as the flow of the sexual energy in transmutation.

The Alchemy and the transmutation are the ways of the sexuality of the Being. 

The base of sexuality is sexual energy. Because if there is no sexual energy, there can be no sexuality. 

Transmutation as the Base of the Sexuality of the Being in Us

Transmutation is the base of the sexuality of the Being. With the transmutation we give the transmuted energy to the Being in us! That is why it is the sexuality of the Being because the energy that is transmuted travels to the Being in us and is for the Being in us.

Transmutation covers both single and married people. Everyone can transmute their sexual energy. 

However, the full sexuality exercised as a value of the Being is only fulfilled in the practice of Alchemy. A single person can not exercise fully the Sexuality of the Being. They must wait. 

Sorry about the light yellow text background. Can't get rid of it.

When we Lack Trust in Our Being

When a person lacks trust in the Being, they take the fulfilment of sexuality and the use of their sexual energy into their own hands. They use it for themselves, which are for the body, the mind and the emotion. Nothing more. 

When we have trust in our Being we hand our sexuality and sexual energy over to Him or It. We transmute and we practice Alchemy and we trust that everything to do with our sexual energy and sexuality will be taken care of. That nothing will be lacking.

In fact until we don't trust fully in our Being in that way, can we really be fulfilled by the transmutation and the Alchemy. 

If we don't have a partner we trust in the Being so that He or It can help us to find one, because the Alchemy is for Him and so He must help us. 

What Lust Does

Lust on the other hand takes all these matters into its own hands. It finds a partner and it makes sure we use and enjoy the sexual energy. However it does all of these things in matter where the Being is not. And from the point of view of the Being in us they are all the wrong choices. So if we trust in the Being we can really avoid lust. 

End (1763).

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