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Friday 9 June 2017

When People Leave the Work On Themselves it is Because they Trust themselves More – (1765)

Trust their Mind or their Job or their Relationship etc. More

What happens when a person, anyone for that matter leaves the work towards their own Being, it is because they trust something else more than their own Being.

They may trust in the reasons of their own mind more than their Being, thinking that their reasons are realer than their Real Being or thinking that their mind is right and their Being has got it wrong.

They may trust more in their job to provide them fulfillment, meaning, purpose, security and happiness than their Being. They may trust more in their relationships with their partner, children, family etc. Thinking that their relationships will look after them more and better than their own Being. They may even trust their thoughts more, that their relationships are more important than the relationship to their own Being.


You may see from this post how important trust is. We follow trust around. Where our trust is, is where we will end up going. Unless we wake up a little, ponder carefully and choose wisely.

End (1765).

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