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Thursday 8 June 2017

Developing Psychic Faculties is not Spiritual Development - (1764)

Why Not? Because Experience has Shown that Psychics Leave the Path

We tend to think that developing clairvoyance, clairaudience, astral unfolding etc. are classed as spiritual development. To a minor degree they are. What is spiritual development is the real transformation of what we are now into 'to being' more of the Real Being in us. Real spiritual development is the development of the consciousnesses and the Real Divine Being in us.

Many psychic people with faculties come to study Gnosis, however all of them end up leaving. This is because the path which is what Gnosis is about, does not depend on faculties. It depends on consciousness and hard work. Faculties do not help one too much on the path, they in effect distract and divert one. 

The path is what takes one to becoming more of one's own inner Real Being. Psychic people are not interested in this aim, they are only interested in experiencing and talking about their faculties and not working to dissolve their egos so to make their Being in them grow.

There are people who are advanced on the path, they are to large degree the "Being" that dwells in them and their level of Being is correspondingly high, however they are not rich in faculties. This just goes to show that the development of the Being in a person and the position on the path does not depend on faculties.

Moral of the Story 

If you are disappointed because you don't have any faculties or great experiences like other people have, don't worry, you don't need them. Keep working on awakening your consciousness, dissolving your egos, transmuting your sexual energy and loving your inner Being through action and prayer. 

Many people with faculties and wonderful experiences leave the work on themselves and the Gnostic studies. This is because they forget their experiences and either their faculties don;t help with the path, because faculties are not yearnings, will, love, trust, faith, wisdom, persistence, firmness, decision etc. which are the qualities of the consciousness and which are really needed to develop the Being in us and move along the path of the razor's edge.

End (1764).

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