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Thursday 6 July 2017

History Regarding Sexuality is Important - (1812)

Importance of our History

Being clear, by history I don’t mean a list of past experiences like past girl friends or boy fiends but more the mark these experiences have left in our psyche.

Our history in every area of our life is so important. Because we live today, right now actually reacting to that history that is stored in our subconscious.

We are the way we are now due to our past.

How well do you know your history in the many areas of your life? We are living out your history but are we conscious of it.

No Randomness or Coincidence in our Psyche

There is a saying that goes: “When it comes to the psyche there is no chance.” Meaning that there is a reason why we are the way we are, and those reasons are to be found in our psyche.

History Important in Sexuality

In the area of sexuality, our history is so very important! It is pivotal and of critical influence. The more we know our history related to our sexuality the more we will be able to understand our present. Many of the egos of lust have been created due to what has happened in our past.

Know Your History

The egos of lust are basically answers to what has happened in the past and what has remained untransformed or in other words brought into the light of your consciousness.

The key for the subconscious, in other words our history is to make it conscious. This can be done by going back and learning our history, writing our story so to speak.

Within our story lie important keys to be found that will unlock the doors hiding many of the underlying causes behind lust.

Closing Statement

It can be so amazing a discovery that when these keys are unearthed from our history some egos of lust can lose their function all together.

It may seem too simple and stupid to do such an exercise, and we may even think that we know our history well, but you won’t know anything until you do it and make your history conscious.

End (1812).

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