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Wednesday 5 July 2017

Lust can be Used By Something Else - (1811)


If someone for example has pride as their principal psychological profile (P.P.P) their pride will use lust, meaning that behind many manifestations of the egos of lust will be certain motives related to pride.

Very Common

As pride is a very common P.P.P it makes sense that many of the egos of lust have pride behind them.
Lust for example can be used to console or comfort wounded pride, to clear boredom, pick one up after some sort of failure or defeat, to fill one’s life when life seems empty, to bring a goal when life is without goals or purpose, to entertain when life is too dry etc. etc.

It can even be used for revenge.

Perhaps Behind Lust is…

There could be behind some manifestations of lust certain motives of compensation that come from pride. A person may have been rejected by people of the opposite sex at an earlier stage in his or her life and now to compensate for the wounds left by those rejections lust is on a mission to prove those rejections wrong.

It maybe that one as a child was treated harshly or was left abandoned by his mother and now being an adult seeks female company using the egos of lust as a way to prove to himself that he is after all worthy of being loved and liked by an older lady.


The real motives behind lust lie within our subconscious and of course are related to our past. The interesting thing about the subconscious is that something happened, an imbalance was created and then that imbalance enters with time into the subconscious and once installed in the subconscious it begins to think, repeat and process itself over and over again, even if the circumstances that created the imbalance are no longer present and relevant.

If we unearth some of these motives it will make a huge difference. It is like removing the backbone from a person.

End (1811).

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