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Monday 10 July 2017

Magic Carpet - (1818)


As master Samael says, the magic carpet that comes from one of the stories of “One Thousand and One Nights” is a direct reference to the states of Jinas that Master Samael mentioned several times in his books.

The magic carpet is a reference to the ability of the person who places their physical body into a state of Jinas, to move rapidly from one place to another.

I have not done a very extensive search but have done some searching and it is really difficult to find as clear instructions as what Master Samael has left for us about the procedures and methods for one to put their physical body into the fourth dimension.

Even among Gnostic people I have not yet met a person who has done this. Maybe because it requires much time and effort and when we have so much to work on their little free time and energy left to devote to this endeavour.

Jinas People

Master Samael had the help of some people who had the ability to put their physical bodies into the fourth dimension. His wife was one of those people. Knowing someone who can help you is a I would like to infer would be a tremendous aid.

Finding someone who can teach you would be the key. Certainly those people exist. Where are they though is the question, and how to find one or reach one seems even more out of grasp.


Master Samael says that faith and some sleep is what one requires to put their physical body into a state of Jinas.

Faith and Trust

Sleep is easy, faith is the hard part. What is the difference between faith and trust? They are similar. Trust is like a state of consciousness, something that pervades your whole system and brings peace. Whereas faith is like focused trust or trust as a power.

When we want to put our psychical body into Jinas we need a lever or something to focus our faith on. So where would you pour your faith into then, if you want to go into Jinas?

Master Samael says that it can be poured into the Jinas Masters, where our faith is put onto them and their ability to take us into the fourth dimension. Then the focusing of that faith and the yearning or wish to put the physical body into the fourth vertical is the force that combined with the help of the Masters takes you and your physical body into the fourth vertical.


Who here really knows the science of Jinas? Maybe it is only for the individual to embrace what Master Samael left us and practice it like crazy until a result is born. Who can help a person who is sincere and would like to learn? There has to be someone… (it is not me).

Of course, though to dissolve the ego is the most important thing. Master Samael says that learning how to enter the state of Jinas does help to the awaken consciousness, but even he still had to do his path, dissolve all of his egos, with or without the ability of Jinas. He learnt about the stares of Jinas very early on in his path, perhaps even before he awoke the Kundalini. He wrote about it in the Three Mountians and it seems for Master Samael it was a part of his path, but it is not a part of everyone's else's path though. 

End (1818).

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