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Friday 7 July 2017

True Sexuality Contains Core Essential/Being Values - (1815)

Reason Why

The reason why sexuality is so important is that contains many values that are deeply seated within our own essence.

Some of these values are: life, power of creation, light, wisdom, dignity, truth, honesty, trust, integration of unity, inner connectedness…

Yet People Live But How Well?

It is so strange considering how important the values in sexuality are that we manage to live.

Well, people do still live, but how well? Just imagine how much better their lives would be if they cultivated their sexuality in the superior or true (I say true because the superior way is the way of our inner Real Being which the truth) way?

Wouldn’t their life be totally transformed and different? If one’s core values are intensified, enhanced and brought to life, that has to have a very noticeable effect.

If a person’s life is disordered it could well mean that their fundamental waters or values that are behind creating and moving their life are out of order. That is, the order in themselves is upside down. That is other values (negative, quarrelsome etc.) dominate the values that are at the heart of sexuality (person’s origin), which are the ones that create order and peace in one’s life.

End (1815).

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