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Wednesday 26 July 2017

Reciprocity and Trust - (1848)

Trust is Based on the Conscious Understanding of Laws

One such law is the law of Reciprocity. This law states that what is given is returned. It says if one gives love then love shall be, by law returned to you.

If one gives love this law does not return the opposite (hatred) to you. If it happens that the opposite is returned to you, you can be sure that karma is at work, or if it is not at work then love shall be returned to you at a later date.

The quote from the gospel of Luke below describes this law in action.

Quote from the Bible Luke 11:11

“What father among you, if his son asks for bread, would give him a stone, or if he asks for a fish, would give him a snake instead of the fish?” Luke 11:11.

Trust in Our Being

If we place our trust in our Being, it can only be that this trust tis returned to us. Faith as a power is that when we put all of our strength and belief into something and by that law of reciprocity that intense investment of all of our forces moves mountains.

The key of Jinas is that our faith as a power actually is retuned in the way of taking us into the fourth dimension, our whole system enters the fourth dimension. Master Samael says we need faith and the faith we must have must first of all be in the possibility of Jinas, the existence of the Masters of Jinas and then in their power.

End (1848).

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