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Thursday 27 July 2017

Source of the Fire is Below - (1849)

Observe a Fire Burning

If you observe a camp fire or a log fire you will see that what sets everything alight and what keeps the whole fire going are the coals burning at the base of the fire.

If you were to remove those coals or burning logs the fire would soon go out.

Fire in the Human Being

If we look at what is said about the serpentine (kundalini) fire in the human being the same applies. The base of the Kundalini in the human being is the coccyx or muladhara chakra. Which also happens to be a chakra very close to the sexual organs or sexual centre.

These two chakras: the muladhara (base chakra or coccyx) and the swadhisthana chakra (ovaries/prostrate chakra) are the base of the kundalini and these chakras in turn are respectively related to the instinctive and sexual centres within the human being.

What does this Tell Us?

This tells us that just as the base of a camp fire is what burns the most, i.e. sacrifices the most, the muladhara and swadhisthana chakras must be the ones that sacrifice the most or transform the most to keep the kundalini fire burning and advancing.

Master Samael said that the Kundalini ascends in accordance with the merits of the heart.

The merits of the heart are in some way won when there is a victory of the heart over the centres and forces related to the centres of the human machine, that are in turn also related to the muladhara and swadhisthana chakras. That is when the heart wins over the sexual and instinctive centres.

Main Goal of Supra-Sexuality

This the main goal of supra-sexuality which is the condition of the kundalini. In supra-sexuality the heart wins over the instinctive and sexual forces and directs those forces and energies them nobly towards the Being dwelling within the person or towards a higher and nobler cause.

End (1849).

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