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Thursday 13 July 2017

Self-Importance Walking Around - (1826)

Ourselves in General

What are we like walking around, doing the things that we do everyday.? What are we subtly projecting onto others? What do you what them to see or think about you?

There has to be answers to these questions because we have self-image. It is our self-image that projects onto others what we want them to see, and it is also our self-image that is constantly generating subtle thought processes in the background as we walk around, interact with people and go about the business of our daily life. It is there constantly affirming, exerting our self-image, it is there using subtle beliefs and fantasy making us to believe and reaffirm our self-image.

What is Your Self-Image Made up of and What is Its Flavour – Leads to the P.P.P

Knowing an answer to this question leads you to discover the P.P.P in you. The flavour of our self-image is very important this is very much related to our P.P.P.

Does our self-image have a flavour or are its main components to do with being important? Walking around with a certain air that “I am important, strong, slightly dignified or esteemed or easily likable?” If the flavour of our self-image goes along those lines, you would be on track saying that your P.P.P is Pride.

Working the Self-Image

First of all, we have to discover that we have a self-image. Then once we have found it, we can begin to observe it more in action. Then after some time of observation we can begin to understand how it works, then with that understanding of how it works we can begin to see what is true and what is false and painful about it. We can then work with the Divine Mother and our consciousness to dissolve the false and the erroneous.

End (1826).

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