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Thursday 13 July 2017

We Only Do What is in Our Self-Image - (1827)

Important Observation

This is a very interesting observation by my marvellous missionary; that a person only ever does what is within the boundaries set by his or her own self-image.

Meaning we will only ever do what our self-image dictates. For example, if our self-image is that we are a kind and decent person we will always try to do things that we see as kind and decent. Others may not always see things this way and so we can suffer, and we may try to make things right until they do see the things that we have done as good and decent and then we are at peace because our self-image has been fulfilled and has not suffered any damage.

Outside of our Self-Image

When we do, do something outside of the boundaries of our self-image we feel like shocked, and at a loss, we feel as if we don’t know who we are anymore. We feel a bit empty because we have been living something empty or false.

We are Conditioned This Way…

We are conditioned through our self-image. Our self-image determines our actions and therefore sets up our life in many regards. Our self-image conditions our actions and therefore thoughts and feelings to be within certain limits.

Getting Free from this Conditioning

To be outside of this conditioning we first have to know our self-image then see in practical real life how our processes, mainly our actions are refrained by or determined by our self-image.

Let’s investigate our self-image. Know the way we relate to ourselves. Know what we think about ourselves, know what we want others to think about us. Because what we want others to think about us is the same as what we think about ourselves. Also, what we think about others is the same as what we think about ourselves. Other people are the mirror for us to observe and know our self-image.

End (1827).

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