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Tuesday 4 July 2017

The Point of Sexuality Being About Intimacy - (1805)

Introduction a Definition of Intimacy

Certainly, it is very difficult to deny that intimacy is a part of sexuality. Within sexuality there is intimacy on all three levels. On the physical, psychological and esoteric levels.

Not Only Present in Sexuality

Intimacy is also not only present in sexuality. It can be present in friendships, i.e. among friends and it can also be present within one’s relationship with oneself. Intimacy certainly does imply relating.
Many people are not intimate with themselves. They very frequently go within themselves and search their intimate depths for answers and advice. Most people have a superficial relationship with themselves, they only relate to the sensations of the body and the thoughts coming from their personality and egos.

Inner Reality

Intimacy may also be seen from the point of view of being acquainted with what is beyond the surface, that is to be acquainted with one’s inner processes, which some people may regard as private. We may say that intimacy is to make contact with one’s inner reality.

What is needed to access and express one’s inner reality, is honesty or sincerity. This is the base of intimacy which is present in sexuality. So then, in sexuality we find intimacy, honesty, trust. With lust and its egos being the opposite of true sexuality we find a sexuality operating in a dishonest, distrusting and non-intimate way. Adultery is an example of this when lust is dishonest and breaks trust. People hide many of their lustful actions because they know they ae not honest.

Lust Lies through Fantasy and its Ideas and Proposals to Us

Observe how lust is not honest. With the fantasies of lust we lie to ourselves. Because our fantasies are not going to happen, and us believing them is to believe a lot of lies. The ego of lust presents with the lie that they will happen or could happen. Realistically speaking very little of the fantasies of people come true.

Intimacy is Honesty

When we are intimate with someone we reveal honestly and sincerely our inner processes, that is our real thoughts, longings, feelings etc. When we are with someone else it is wise to reveal the “good” side of ourselves, which is also the deeper side, the side of our essence. The love or affection we feel, the yearnings for positive change, the preoccupations that we have etc. The “bad” side we can reveal to others but with the purpose to ask for help or to make something better, or just to be honest but not to attack, or shock or hurt.

Mostly though we reveal the ‘bad” side of ourselves to ourselves so to transform these negative elements. With another to be intimate is to connect to our essence and to reveal some of the things that it contains. If the other person realises this, then they will appreciate this and reciprocate with something from their essence. This is then intimacy.

Intimacy and Meaning

Intimacy leads to meaning and it is what makes sexuality meaningful. This then impresses the essence in us and brings happiness, peace, trust and other values.

Within the true sexuality there is meaning.

Lust on the other hand lacks meaning. It brings emptiness and that brings sadness. It seeks people that it does not even know or seeks people that it only knows superficially. How can there be meaning in such an encounter.

Intimacy in Sexuality Extends to the Beings

During the sexual act where both parties are focussing on their inner Being, there is a connection to the Beings occurring. The transmuted energy forms a link of communication between the two Beings. I ask then what is more intimate then that. The two inner most realities of two people in contact, in communication.

This we know does not happen in the sexual act conditioned by lust. There is no transmutation and therefore no link between the Monads of the two people. Therefore, there is not that true intimacy occurring. Lust is against intimacy, meaning etc.

Conclusion - Lust is Not Intimate

If we observe all the ways lust acts we come to the conclusion that it is not intimate. Is it? No!

The fact that lust is not intimate, tells us that it is not: meaningful, fulfilling, honest, trustworthy, connecting, deep, capable of bringing good results or capable of building up anything strong and firm within us and capable of connecting us more to our inner Being.

Lust is not honest. Let me ‘go to town’ here and show exactly what I mean with all the examples that I can conjure up in my head and which I have time to write.


Sorry, I am out of time just now. Have to run. But I promise to finish this post off. I think it is better to post this 75% complete then not at all. Stay tuned… to be finished in post number 1806.

End (1805).

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