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Tuesday 4 July 2017

Why is there Dignity in True Sexuality? - (1806)


Lust is always associated with shame. People naturally feel ashamed to talk about the actions that they have carried out with their lust. People feel ashamed having lust. People also feel ashamed seeing others acting lustfully. Shame may not be present before or while lust is in activity but certainly it is present afterwards.

Shame and Dignity

This feeling of shame is actually something inherent and universal when it comes to sexuality. Everyone all over the globe feels this shame when it comes to sexuality. Why? Because dignity is an inherent and inseparable value or quality within sexuality.

That shame is actually our essence telling us that we have done something wrong in relation to sexuality and our inner essence. It is a call to reflect, to study, to discover what really, truly what is the true action, the true principle according to our inner essence (which is always true) related to sexuality.

When a person stops feeling shame for the incorrect or out of order actions that one does in relation to sexuality it is a sign that that person is losing contact with their essence and is therefore on a degenerative path. The innate degenerative stop or brake (shame) has been lifted and the doors to degeneration are open. This however, if one is determined can be reversed.

Shame is related to the realisation of error and karma. In some way shame is the instinctive recognition of karma.

In true sexuality we find dignity, which is the opposite of shame.

Why Dignity

Because true sexuality is about connecting to the Being. It is about intimacy and with intimacy we find our deeper realities which is our inner Being. It is about using the life force of our Being, the sexuality energy is the force that allows us ‘to be’. The sexual energy is connected to our consciousness, our will, our imagination and flows from our Being and takes us back to our inner Being. Dignity is what enhances our essence. Correctness, no karma, more of the essence and more of the Being is what enhances our essence. True sexuality does exactly that.

True sexuality can not be about shame, that would then mean that our Being is an error, something wrong, something karmic, a transgression, a fault. Which is absurd! Right? Right! If that were right that true sexuality was about shame then all the masters and the illuminated beings would be wrong, and they are not wrong!

End (1806).

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