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Tuesday 15 August 2017

Build a Relationship with a Master of the Medicine – (1883)


Wow this year in the way of illnesses and operation and things going on has been and continues to be a tough one.

What’s more it is not a year kabbalistically speaking that would make one expect such things to be happening, such as if the Kabbalistic sum of the year were a 5 such as (2003 and 2012).

Cultivate a Relationship

What this year has shown me is that it is highly useful and worthwhile to choose a master of the medicine such as Paracelsus, Adonai, Galen, Hippocrates, Hermes Trismegistus, Huirachocha and study about, pray, concentrate and meditate on that master frequently to establish a connection, a kind of rapport, and a faith and trust in that master.


This is so that when needed you can ask for help for anyone that you know who is ill with great speed, effectiveness, warmth and faith.

Marvellous Results

Even though this year has been very hard in the way of many illnesses there have been marvellous results. Meaning that the masters of the medicine and the prayers of the Gnostic people have really helped.


Humanity now days needs your conscious faith. Do this for humanity!

End (1883).

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