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Tuesday 15 August 2017

Gnostic Prayer for Healing – (1882)

“Oh Thou, Solar Logos, igneous emanation, substance and consciousness of Christ, powerful life whereby everything advances, come unto me and penetrate me, enlighten me, bathe me, go through me and awaken within my Being all of those ineffable substances that are as much a part of Thee as a part of me.

Universal and cosmic force, mysterious energy, I conjure Thee, come unto me, remedy my affliction, cure me from this illness and set apart this suffering so that I may have harmony, peace and health.

I ask Thee in thy sacred name which the mysterious and the Gnostic Church have taught me, so that Thou can make all of the mysteries of this plane and the superior planes vibrate within me, and that all of those forces together may achieve the miracle of my healing. So be it.”

End (1882).

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