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Wednesday 30 August 2017

Death as a Reference Point - (1918)


Death is a reference point like no other. It is the reference point that brings one to reality and keeps one to reality. It is the reference point that brings one to the essential and keeps one to the essential.

Keeping death close to us means that we can be guided in life to live a life that cultivates what is essential.

Death is a powerful force that brings you to the esoteric, to the permanent, to what lasts, to what lies beyond and to what is real.

A real existing force is Death! A cosmic function! Ubiquitous yet encapsulated in a presence for each one to face!

Having death close to us keeps us focused on not giving over too much of our life to what is superficial and vain, as death reduces to dust all that is vain.

Having death close keeps us focused on working to be prepared for it and to defeat it consciously, that is, to not die asleep.

Physical death and psychological death all take us to the real and to the essential which in other words is the Being. Physical death for example reduces us to our essence which is a state that is freer and closer the Being.

If we take death as a reference point for our life in a balanced way I think that we can benefit greatly.

Much in our way of thinking will change, how we will come to appreciate the moments that we live, the people in our life, our time, our health, and much of our priorities, preoccupations, goals and our outlook on life will change and mature.

End (1918).  

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