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Wednesday 30 August 2017

Worried About What to do With An Ego? - (1919)

Why Worried? Because of a Lack of Imagination, Will and Trust

Oh really? Yes! Read on to see how these three things can help.

Imagination is Knowledge and Direction

When we get worried about how we are going to be able to deal with the pain, discomfort, drives, impulses, reactions, consequences etc. when one of our strong egos comes out, it is because first: we can’t or don’t see ourselves counteracting it (sometimes not even trying to counteract it), and two: we don’t know how, and three we don’t have a plan of how to counteract it.

Come one see yourself successfully counteracting the and feeling immensely fine in the process. 

Imagination is Also a Plan

We must have imagination (knowledge and direction) when it comes to the work of the dissolution of an “I”. If you don’t know how to counteract it, can’t see yourself successfully counteracting it and you don’t have a plan of how to counteract it, for when it next comes out, you, are finished! Ego wins! Simple as that mate!

There are studies that have proven that people with a plan are more successful in any endeavour. With the work on the ego this is no exception.

I have experienced this many times. The more concrete and clear one is in one’s imagination the more one can successfully deal with the ego. If your imagination is bullet proof (no gap for failure) some very good results roll out.

Be Concrete Write Down Your Plan

If you want to know whether you know something or not, explain it to another person or write it down for yourself.

So, get a pen and paper and write down how, exactly how in very concrete terms you are going to counteract that ego the next time it appears.

It could be any ego, anger, fear, pride, arrogance, lust, laziness etc.

While we are working on an ego our consciousness needs our support (i.e. a plan) until it is fully educated and understands deeply how to fulfil the function, that that ego we are working on, has hijacked/kidnapped from our essence.

To imagine is to start to will. But we must imagine first of all!

Start to See Yourself in Your Imagination Counteracting the Ego

Come on, use your imagination to see yourself going through with your plan, on the spot, when the ego comes out, carrying out all the steps that you’re going to take to counteract it!

The problem is I repeat; we don’t see ourselves counteracting the ego nor do we see ourselves capable of doing it! This must change! As soon as you see yourself doing it in your imagination hope blooms!!! And hope moves you to action!!!

See yourself being quiet, focusing inwards, touching your heart, remembering your inner Being, getting from your inner Being what the ego wants, feeling your essence, observing the thoughts, not assuming an offended person's identity, letting go of the thoughts, knowing that it will pass, it is not the person that offended you, it is your own thoughts that offend you, the free essence is better than the pain of the ego. You are tired of pain, let it go let it go, etc. etc. Is a plan for the work on pride an d self-love.

Will = Do it!

Your will power is the one that fulfils the plan, initiates the inner working of the steps of your plan to counteract the ego.

You feel your will strong, then trust in the work. You apply the work sincerely results will come!

Imagination is a power. It partook in the creation of the worlds. Therefore it can partake in the creation
of new circumstances and actions in our life.

Trust = The Work Works, I can Do it Well Enough and the Being Will Help

Here we have the plan: the imagination, the will and then we need to trust in the latter two, and in our ability to carry them out and in the Divine Mother that she will guide us and help us. And She will.

Surrender to Her in full trust that the work works and the essence works and the Divine Mother works. This brings peace inside and allows you freedom and more energy to do the work which pertains to us.


This is a very effective and strong formula. If it doesn’t work change the plan., Improve your knowledge used at the base of the plan. The plan must evolve and evolve as you learn more and more. Work more with the Divine Mother. Chant more KRIM!

Project happier in the triumph of the superior - the essence over the inferior, rather than happier of the sacrifice of the superior for the acceptance of the inferior.

End (1919).

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