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Thursday 10 August 2017

Inner Control Over Outer Control – (1874)


There is the typical control exerted by the ego where the controlling person will move people and circumstances out of fear. So that what they fear does not happen. What they fear could be a relatively minor thing or a relatively major thing such as a large argument with far reaching consequences.

Many times the controlling person by being quick and forceful gets what they want. That is, they get what their egos want.

However, control does exist. It exists outside and inside. As always the inner control is better, miles better. The person who is controlling outside, like a controlling person by the law of duality lacks inner control. That is he/she lacks control over him or herself when it comes to dealing with their own thoughts and emotions.

The best control to have is the one over our thoughts and emotions. Because if we have this inner control or dominion when the difficult circumstances arise and the egos within us project their painful and hurtful thoughts and feelings we can control them and deal with them. The outwardly controlling person can not deal with them and he/she knows it and so resorts to controlling people, events and circumstances.

Remedy for the Controlling Person – Develop Inner Control

The remedy to being a controlling person is to develop the inner control. That is to practice the psychology of the periphery, which means to keep all the painful thoughts to the outer areas of our psychology and be anchored in the central part of our psychology which is the essence. The essence will always take the central position when we practice correctly the psychology of the periphery.

End (1874).

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