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Thursday 10 August 2017

Remedy for When You Feel Love is Lost – (1875)

A Formula

There is a formula of work that can be applied here to help.

This formula involves the use of both love and trust to counter the painful and hurtful feelings of self-love and self-importance.

Involves Love

We must invoke our best thoughts, feelings and good will towards the one that we feel has hurt us or does not want to love us anymore.

This is very important, critical and crucial.

Contact the Essence

Do this by contacting our essence beyond the mind and emotions. Remember the good things that they have done for us. Remember the good moments. Find in your essence the place where your essence sees their humanity and really wishes them well.

Neutralise Negativity

Work really hard to neutralise the negativity towards them. Understand them as much as possible. Understand why they are feeling negative towards to you. This will help to neutralise the negativity.

Give Freedom

Allow them the right to feel negative towards you. Give them in your heart the freedom to feel negative towards you. Allow them the freedom to do what is best for them, allow them the freedom to process their thoughts and emotions towards us in the way that they wish.

Love exists in freedom. Try to grasp love and it will escape from your hands.

Fill Yourself with Love

Just get to the point of not feeling negative towards them.

You will feel heaps better when love is flowing through you again. When love flows through us the void or emptiness that we feel fills up. When we have love in us our Being can send Its love to us.

Sending love to our Being also brings love into us to fill that void. The transcendental role of a hurt ego of self-love is make us remember our Being once again and to send love to it (our Being).

Involves Trust

As you have love in your heart and mind towards them, by the Law of Reciprocity love must return to you. Your Being has put you there in that relationship and it is your Being loving in you and so by the Law of Reciprocity love must return to you. Hopefully through the other person or maybe not, maybe through another altogether different person, like a friend, like a family member, someone that can help. 

Trust in the Law of Reciprocity

Trust in that Law of Reciprocity and in your Being. Trusting gives you hope and filling yourself with trust annuls so much anxiety, worry and pain. Trust brings hope, and hope annuls pain.


With this post I think you can gleam for yourself how the egos of self-love operate.

One can not expect for a second for love to return or for love to be there when one does not love in one’s heart. If you are always getting hurt by someone, true it maybe time to move on, or it maybe time to investigate really what you have inside you towards the other person. Do you have distrust there? Do you have lots of annoyance, nonacceptance, impatience, disrespect, disdain and even dislike. 

Maybe these things are hiding from us, but are there down below.

I would say loving your inner Being changes everything.

Self-Love Operates How

Self-love works by forgetting our Being and by being bitter inside of ourselves towards others while expecting love in return. It is to fill ourselves with love through others. It uses the approval of others as the ‘go ahead’ to send love to ourselves.

Addicted to False Love

We can get addicted to that and then we are in big trouble when we don’t have their approval we stop sending the love to ourselves and so we feel bad, empty, debased etc.

Best Protection Against Self-Love and Self-Importance

The best protection against the egos of self-love and self-importance are to love our Being in us and to neutralise always our negativity towards others and love them.

The ego of self-love and self-importance are exact opposites of this.

With this understanding asking our Diviner Mother and the mantra KRIM helps much more than without this understanding.

End (1875).

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