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Monday 14 August 2017

Mind is the Man-Made in Us, the Spirit is the Natural in Us – (1880)

Kakini Practice

Definitely, the mind in us is a world that is all man-made. We find so much matter in in our own mind. In fact, when we want to reach the natural, pristine and primordial in us, our own mind is an enormous obstacle.

The heart which is the gate to the spiritual in us is the natural. It is the pristine and the primordial source of our life and life itself.

That is why when Master Samael gave us the Kakini practice in the “Perfect Matrimony” he gave a very natural setting. A setting that reveals the full vitality of nature and its pristine nourishing force.

Nature is where the magic is and nature, like a beach, a forest, a river, a mountain, a desert hold such a force to reset us, balance us, recharge us and harmonise us once again.

The Practice from the Perfect Matrimony

The devotee should concentrate on his heart, imagining there thunder and lightning, fast moving clouds that are lost in the twilight, blown by strong hurricanes. The Gnostic should imagine many eagles flying in that infinite space which is within, very deep within his heart. Imagine the profound forests of nature, filled with sun and life, the song of birds and the sweet and peaceful chirping of the crickets of the forest. The disciple should fall asleep imagining all of this. Imagine now that in the forest there is a throne of gold, upon which is seated the Goddess Kãkini, a very divine woman. The Gnostic should fall asleep meditating on this, imagining all this. He should practise one hour daily, but if he practises two or three or more hours daily, even better. He can practise seated in a comfortable arm chair, lying on the floor, or on his bed, with his arms and legs open both right and left as a five-pointed star. Sleep must be combined with meditation.

One must have much patience. These marvellous faculties of the cardia are obtained with infinite patience. It is better that the impatient, who want everything straight away, who do not know how to persevere their whole life should leave, be cause they are of no use.

Powers are not obtained by playing around; everything costs. Nothing is given to us as a gift.”

Samael Aun Weor, “The Perfect Matrimony”

End (1880).

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