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Monday 14 August 2017

In the Heart of the Missionary – (1881)

Fight for the Light

The missionary knows that by getting the light he or she can help humanity in the best possible way. The missionary fights for the light to give to humanity and when it has been won he/she spreads the light, with the purpose to provide a balm to the soul that is suffering.

Each Gnostic class is a balm for the soul. How anxiety and worry flees when sitting in a Gnostic classroom listening to the teachings. How the teachings provide hope and nourish the soul.

Rays of hope are the Teachings and Our application of the teachings are the seedlings that take root and grow. 


Hope is a powerful force that can dispel fear, anxiety and worry. Hope in the the work on the teachings and the trust that your sincere efforts of applying the teachings will push you across the line and break you into a new life.

Light of Others

I appreciate the light of missionaries as this light has been won by the hard fight in the “difficult battle” and as it took then out of a hole it can take me out as well.

Before the Law

Even if he or she is not going to get their realisation, he or she in their heart wants that their students get it.

The missionary wants to be able to go before the judge of the tribunal of cosmic justice after having been disincarnated and say I did my best for the souls that were entrusted to me. I taught that the doctrine of the triumphant so that they would triumph and I put all my heart and soul into that so that at least one would get his or her realisation. I am in peace!

End (1881).

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