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Sunday 27 August 2017

Structural and Transactional Analysis - (1906)


Here is an excerpt from Master Samael’s book “The Revolution of the Dialectic”, where he writes about the two kinds of psycho-analysis: structural and transactional.

Both are useful to carry out on our psyche when we need more information about something we are working on. With the information gained from such an analysis we can deepen our comprehension.


“We need inner psychoanalysis, we need intimate self-investigation in order to really know ourselves. Homo Nosce Te Ipsum. Man, know yourself and you will know the Universe and the Gods.

When one knows oneself, one can change. As long as one does not know oneself, any change will result subjective. But before anything else, we need self-analysis. How is the force of countertransference which makes intimate psychoanalysis or self-analysis difficult, overcome? This would only be possible by means of transactional analysis and structural analysis.

When one appeals to structural analysis, one knows those psychological structures that make intimate introspection difficult and impossible; by knowing such structures we comprehend them, and by comprehending them we can then overcome the obstacle.

But we need something else, we also need transactional analysis. Bank, commercial transactions, etc. exist, in the same manner that psychological transactions exist.

The different psychic elements which we carry in our interior are subject to transactions, to exchanges, to struggles, to changes of position, etc. They are not something motionless, they always exist in a state of motion.

When one, by means of transactional analysis, knows the different psychological processes, the different structures, then the difficulty in psychological introspection concludes. Afterwards, the self-exploration of oneself is carried out with full success.”


Master Samael gives us a key here, saying that to overcome obstacles in comprehending an ego, or break through some kind of stagnation or even in finding reasons to persist in the work of elimination carrying out a structural and transactional analysis is very helpful. 

Give it a try! If we don’t try it we will never ever know!

End (1906).

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