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Friday 25 August 2017

Why One Hermetic Vase? Here's Why! - (1905)

Not Because You Would Get a Divorce but Because of Esoteric Values

Loyalty, fidelity and love are most certainly reasons of sufficient gravity to understand why the principle of “One Hermetic Vase”.

This post is an attempt to go behind this principle and see why it is so. Because behind the reasons I have given above, are real esoteric principles that I believe are worth knowing, understanding and expanding upon.

Principles Inherent in Sexuality

The reason is that it follows the principles inherent within the Value of Sexuality. Such as magnetism, energy, honesty, unity, creation and destruction.

This will be a long post, not sure if I can write it all out but will try.

Always a Principle to Fall Back Onto

It is the esoteric and psychological work and their principles that rule the fires of sexuality.

If this were not the case then pure sexuality would take hold and wreak havoc as it is a powerful blind force.

Master Samael said: “The Kundalini ascends slowly according to the merits of the heart. The fires of the heart control the ascension of the Kundalini”.

This tells us that esoteric or spiritual principles or values must rule over the power of sex. Sex combined with these spiritual values is sexuality as a spiritual value or what is known as supra-sexuality.

Therefore, what goes against these esoteric and spiritual principles is not fitting to make the Alchemy work. One can practice Alchemy going against these principles but this kind of Alchemy won’t work!

Energy not Lost, what Difference Does it Make Then?

A lot! The difference between a disaster and not a disaster!

One must consider the following points. The fact that the energy is not lost is fundamental but it is not everything, other principles and conditions must be abided by for Alchemy to work as it should and for it to reach its full potential.


Within sexuality is magnetism and the power of magnetism reaches its maximum potency between two, not between three. Between two magnetism is the strongest. Between three the magnetic field is dispersed and less intense. This is because the two like poles reel and wreak the magnetic field.

For instance, say a man has one Alchemical vase. Then he comes into contact with another Alchemical vase, the magnetism in his system from the first vase is altered because the remnants of the female magnetism in his system are repelled by the new female magnetic force and so the magnetism in his system is greatly affected and diminished.

Creation and the magnetic induction of the solar and lunar currents requires a strong magnetic field and this can not happen when there are three, i.e. two Alchemical vases.

See look what happens if you bring two like poles together they create a big gap in the magnetic field!

Consecration of Energy

Creation, Alchemy is birth and death, happens in an egg. That is in a closed environment. In a sealed environment. This is so that the energy needed is saved and enclosed and not lost but rather dedicated totally to making creation gestate and take place.

In other words energy can not be spread it has to be focussed and dedicated and sealed. Two Alchemical vases breaks this seal and therefore creation can not at all effectively take place.

See look creation happens in intimacy and in a closed hermetic seal!

Creation and Destruction

In Alchemy there is the principle: “Solve et Coagula”. Meaning dissolve the unnecessary and coagulate or form the vital, the necessary. Dissolve the “I’s” and create the solar bodies.

These two powers are inherent in the value of sexuality, because in sex is the greatest power to build and the greatest power to destroy.

Obviously if sexuality is being used wrongly it becomes destructive and if it is being used in accordance with its own laws and principles it will be constructive, that is create what it should such as the bodies and destroy what it should such as the “I’s”.


Unity among two is achieved between the two opposites. Where the two unite to become one, to create the third. The Holy affirming, the Holy Denying and the Holy Conciliating join as a trinity to become one. But they are all different.

In the situation where there are two Alchemical vases there are two of the same and one opposite to the two that are the same. How then can such a combination unite? They can’t can they? Not in any way, not physically, not esoterically as pure forces.

Intimacy and Honesty Work Together

Well imagine that, would a person that has two Alchemical vases be honest? Such a person could inform all of them about what is going on. But then it is not really intimate is it? So intimacy is lost at the expense of honesty, and intimacy is gained at the expense of honesty (i.e. the situation where the person who has two Alchemical vases keeps the situation in secret). Honesty and Intimacy work together always. To have them in balance one has to have one Alchemical vase only. When these two qualities break down the relationship breaks down.

Creation works intimately in the intimate depths of the womb of the Mother not openly, because other forces would interfere and ruin it all.


I hope that this makes post makes this issue very clear from a few different persepctives.

End (1905).

1 comment:

  1. I think you did a great job in explaining it. Thank you.
