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Saturday 5 August 2017

The Deceased Come to Visit Asking for Help - (1868)

The Deceased

When someone in our family dies it is quite natural that they come to visit us. In most cases though they do not know that that they have died or they know that something is different but they are not sure what and they come to the living for help.

Still Around

When someone dies one feels that the person has not really gone yet, that they are still here or around. Only when the body is buried or cremated do we feel more that the deceased leaves or is present less.

One Perceives

One can perceive or feel when the deceased comes to visit. Master Samuel says that the deceased talked to our subconscious. However we don't have to allow our subconscious to talk to them we can actually consciously talk to them.

Tell them something like the following: 

"Dear beloved one, like what will happen to me and all the living your body has given up its last breath. You are no longer in your body, you are outside of your body and in the realms of the soul. You are soul now. You are free and there is much for you to do in this realm. Much for you to arrange, organise and learn. You are different now, things have changed that is why you are confused and in difficulty. You must see how things have changed and you must focus on your new reality and respond to the priorities and changes of your new reality. You are soul now and you are in the realm of the spirit. Look for the mother of your soul, she will guide you and help you to respond to the priorities and needs and your new environment. Go my beloved one and seek the Mother of your soul, she will help you with what is to come."

End (1868). 

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