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Monday 7 August 2017

The Waters in General and the Black Waters – (1869)

The Waters

I think the best way to understand this topic of the waters is to see them in the following way. I say this because it allows us to understand the many overlapping areas and the many exceptions that always occur in esotericism.

The waters are states of consciousness that modify our sexual energy and that modified sexual energy in turn affects our psychology and our whole system, but more critically - our sexuality. It is very much like the mind body relationship where they both feedback off of each other. For example, when the body is ill the mind suffers and begins to think negatively which then makes the body to feel worse. The colours of the waters are about the degree of conscious relation we have with sexuality and our sexual energy.

The black waters or black mercury are not really the raw sexual energy. The black waters are the state of one's sexuality in relation to spirituality. If one's sexuality is devoid of spirituality or love then the waters are black. Humanity is mostly in this area.

Black Mercury

The black mercury is something that is very broad and overlaps with a few other areas to do with sexuality.

The black waters are present when a person is just beginning to transmute and they are present when a person does not transmute. There is some overlap there. The white, yellow and red waters are a lot easier to understand because their domain is clear. The white, yellow and red belong to the Alchemical work - no problems there. 

An Alchemical couple can have their waters black even while transmuting. The state of their waters will only change when they begin to change their way of thinking and feeling towards the sexual energy and that will change their inner sexuality (attitudes, ways of thinking and feeling). When they begin to connect sexuality to spirituality and their inner or true Being, and they begin to yearn for their inner Being and send the transmuted energy to their inner Being and they begin to use sexuality as a way to contact, develop and come closer to their inner Being they will whiten their waters. The key to whiten the waters is to yearn for the inner Being while transmuting.

Master Samael said that there were couples in Mexico who had been working in the Alchemy for 15 years or more and they had not awakened the fire. He said that they had not whitened their waters and that is why they were so slow. If we within our psychology keep the same psychology in relation to normal sexuality or infra-sexuality and we don't yearn for the Being we can't whiten our waters even if we are practising Alchemy.

Why Black

Because black is the colour of putrefaction.

Also, Master Samael said that the colour black in an aura has to do with hatred. So the black waters are a very broad class of describing how negative or hateful in degrees of course, our relationship to our sexuality is. When we hate sex our waters are black and even when we jump into sexuality we are going against sex, we like hate or are negative (act with ill-will) towards sexuality because we expel the energy, we end up really rejecting it and we harm ourselves and our sexuality by losing ourselves in sex, without control. That is one reason why our waters assume the colour black.

There are degrees and degrees of black of course. A couple practising Alchemy would have their waters not so black. Maybe grey and as they practice that would whiten and whiten and change and change.

The waters do start off black. For a couple that works well they are not black for long. So, yes that is right too, the black mercury is the sexual energy that has been worked upon and the whitening is turning that black mercury into white. And at the same time it is also the crude state of one's sexuality. It is very broad. The white, yellow and red are not broad like this.

Single Person and their Waters

You know things are elastic in esotericism. I have heard it being said that a single person can do much to change the state of their waters. This of course depends a lot on the quality of their psychological death in general and in particular in relation to their sexuality. It also depends too on their sacrifice and level of work for humanity. The single person who transmutes, uses their sexual energy for their inner Being and dies a lot psychologically and sacrifices a lot can do some extensive refinement of their mercury. The mercury it has been said is also in our heart and in our sexuality and in our psychology. Implying it is also related to the level of Being of the person and their consciousness. So it is very extensive and broad and as one expands their consciousness and raises their level of Being their mercury also changes.

People may have labelled the black mercury the raw life force because the black water sexuality is tumultuous like the chaotic waters, rough etc. The transmutation with full psychological co-operation calms this water down considerably.

End (1869).

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