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Monday 21 August 2017

We are Going on a Journey to Dissolve a Facet of Fear - (1893)

The Plan

My plan is to take you on a journey over the next few weeks or however long it takes to really weaken the fear of blood, medical procedures, incisions, surgery, organs, autopsies and death.


This fear has been with me as long as I can remember and has at certain periods of my life really plagued me. Over the last few months it has appeared in a way that scared and shocked me. Upon seeing that it is high time to work on it with the firm purpose of dissolving it.


The first objective is to win separation from it. I am going to post all that I learn, comprehend and do in relation to this goal.

Next will be to deepen and expand comprehension by breaking concepts, beliefs, studying more, seeking a gymnasium and working with the Divine Mother to weaken and weaken it.

How it Will Affect the Ongoing Posts here on GESWA

As I’ll be studying and working on this defect I am going to be writing posts about what I am discovering and learning, but as this can get boring I am going to write other posts as well to keep the variety going. The next post is something interesting about the practice of Alchemy.

My Hope is Yours

My hope is in my trust that by applying the teachings sincerely I will be able to weaken and dissolve this facet of fear and experience the birth of a new strength and equanimity where before there was anguish, anxiety, suffering and nausea.

My Light is Yours

The light that I hope to liberate will be yours too. I hope that it will help you or anyone that comes across these posts.

Let’s Go!

I already feel this facet of fear writhing within, because it knows that I am going to have to face the impressions of blood and organs, medical procedures, loss etc. to be sure that it is really dying. I don’t mind I want to feel something different to the nausea and I don’t mind about failing either because I am going to get up again. I trust in the power of persistence!

End (1893).

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