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Monday 21 August 2017

Why Do People Have Difficulty Interpreting their Own Dreams? - (1892)

People Want their Dreams Interpreted

People always ask about what this and that dream meant and what does such and such a symbol mean, and most of the time the answer is really a: “who knows” disguised by: “well it could mean this or it could mean that, why don’t you consult your heart to find out or just wait and see.”.

This is because interpreting dreams is pretty tricky. I would say that interpreting dreams is best done by ourselves and then have this interpretation checked by a friend, that is someone who will tell you if you are wrong and plain crazy in your interpretation. Imagine if you were to get the wrong interpretation from someone and then you acted on it? We should try hard first ourselves and not just ask without having tried ourselves or at least meditated a little on our dream.

Interpret Our Own Dreams

Ideally we should be able to interpret our own dreams. Why? Because they come from ourselves. It is really a lack of self-knowledge not to be able to interpret our own dreams. What do you reckon?
I would rather investigate within myself than ask someone outside of myself even if that person was a super Master, because what I can find out from my own interior, benefits me more because in the exercise of doing that I am strengthening my consciousness and learning much more about myself.

Difficulty Due to a Lack of:


Most of our dreams are like our illogical and incoherent psyche nonsensical and so to interpret nonsense is very difficult. It is easy and clear to interpret something clear, logical and coherent.

Inspiration and Intuition

We may lack inspiration and intuition from the process of knowledge that Master Samael spoke of: Imagination, Inspiration and Intuition.

Lack of Memory

Many times in the dream we felt something and that feeling or impression is the meaning, but when we return to the physical body we just can’t remember the feeling and therefore the meaning escapes us.
We need to use the mantra RAOM-GAOM while trying to remember our dream more often and more intensely.

Knowledge of Dream Symbols and the Language and Laws of the Subconscious

There is a universal language of archetypes and symbols. We have to study that. Research it, find books on it and study it.
There is also a language of the subconscious. Mainly the law of opposites is what the subconscious uses, along with the laws of correspondence and analogy. That too we must study and become ofay with.

Most of the Time it is the Egos in People that Ask About What Their Dreams Mean

The mystical pride and self-importance of people is the usually the one that asks for a meaning about what their dreams mean.
Remember it is just a dream, if it is a great dream show the quality of that dream here physically!

Want to Be Objective in this Matter then

If we want to be objective when we ask for help interpreting dreams, it would be to ask for help when we know that we lack knowledge about the universal set of symbols and archetypes or if we know that there is a person that is particularly good at interpreting dreams, because they have a good degree of intuition, consciousness and know about how dreams and symbols within dreams work.
Try not to ask because of mystical pride or self-importance or self-compassion wants to make something known or wants commiseration.
End (1892).

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