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Thursday 31 August 2017

Why Does Death Have a Scythe? - (1920)

Because Death Reaps the Esoteric Values of the Life Lived

People may understand that death as a cosmic force reaps the lives of human beings as like a kind of harvest. But on a personal level, which is what matters most us, is that death carries a scythe because with our death is only really seen the fruit of the efforts made in our life.

If we have worked hard psychologically and esoterically in life we will be given by death the rewards. The scythe is the symbolic representation for the reaping of those rewards.

Those rewards are a favourable new life with less ego, a strong and healthy new body, vacation time in the higher worlds and a conscious death, that is being aware that one is dead and aware that one is in the internal worlds outside of one’s body!

End (1920).

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