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Tuesday 19 September 2017

A Diet of Impressions is Always Useful - (1963)

Impressions are Powerful – Time is their Power

The impressions we receive may not seem like much at first, but over time they become powerful!
Many times the effects of the impressions once accumulated become too powerful to control!

A nagging spouse or child does not get what he or she wants initially but over time, you can be sure that they will get it. All because of the fact that impressions grow in power by working overtime.

Impressions accumulate, that is why they are powerful over time!

Effect of Too Many Impressions

Receiving many impressions without being able to digest them makes us mentally ill. We feel overloaded, confused, blinded, mentally bloated and not knowing where to start and what to do next.
In other words receiving too many impressions destroys mental order and organisation, and that is critical for the mind. The clearer and more logical and organised we keep our mind, so much the better for us, our work, our life and others in our life.

Want to Decrease Something (like Desire) then Reduce the Intake of Impressions

If we want to decrease something within our psyche, one of the first things to do will be to impose on ourselves a diet of impressions. This will clear our mind and bring clarity, organisation and direction allowing us to know what we must do next. Whether that ‘what to do next’ is in relation to dissolving the ego or in solving a certain issue in life.

End (1963).

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