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Monday 18 September 2017

How Many Chances do we Have? - (1962)

Answer: 7!

Master Samael did not say this as far as I am aware but my marvellous missionary has told us a few times through some experiences that he has had, that we can have up to 7 encounters (chances) in a life time, with an esoteric school possessing the knowledge of the initiatic science.

This means that a person can leave an esoteric school possessing the knowledge of the mysteries up to six times.

As far as the person is interested and the Monad of the person really wants to work for its self-realisation that person can have up to seven serious encounters or chances to study and work in an esoteric school possessing the keys to self-realisation.

Certainly Not Advisable

It is certainly not advisable to do this, to leave six times and come back! You waste time! You break continuity.

In my experience I have seen people leaving Gnosis and coming back maybe 2 or 3 times, then after that, they just give up. Maybe they will come back later, if their Monad is still willing that is!

Long Absences – Be Careful Not to Burn a Chance

There are people that don’t come for months, then come back, in those cases such people have to be careful that these long stints of absence are not counted as a chance.

This behaviour is very common with the Latinos. Sorry but you guys have the tendency to be irresponsible in your attendance.

Maybe even large mistakes can be counted as a chance burnt.

Once All Chances Are Burnt

I would assume that once a person’s seven chances are all burnt up the doors are closed and their life takes a very different turn. Perhaps if the person is very repentant and earnest the doors may open a again.

End (1962).

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