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Wednesday 6 September 2017

A Simple Way to Facilitate the Expansion of Our Consciousness - (1935)

Uni-Lateral to Bi-Lateral to Multi-Lateral to Ever Expanding

When we work on the awakening of our consciousness, its expansion is something that will occur.
The expansion of the consciousness generally goes through these stages: uni-lateral, bi-lateral, multi-lateral and beyond.

In the beginning, only ourselves and our interests are in our field of awareness. Later others enter into our filed of awareness and then many more others enter. Then the ‘many others’ becomes a nation, a planet, a solar system, a galaxy, an infinite etc.

Expand to Participate in Cosmic Life

As soon as we expand our thinking and feeling to include the other and then more people and then a nation and then the planet we are expanding our consciousness.

This is not easy, but can be done on purpose. The first step is consider the other as someone just like yourself with experience, opinions, concepts, points of view just as right, valid and worthy as yours. Then extend that to a group of others and extend it to a community, then a town, then a city, then a nation, then a continent, then a planet and then the solar system etc.

Imagine then you are considering or looking at life then from a cosmic pint of view, a planetary, solar system, galactic point of view. How different things are then, far away from the tedious level that we get stuck in – human trivialities of the personality.

It is good to know that when we work on ourselves we are working for the planet, the solar-system the galaxy and the cosmos at large.

End (1935).

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