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Wednesday 6 September 2017

Where Does All Our Negativity Originate From? - (1936)


From the fall.

Most Negative Act

The greatest act of ill-will towards the inner Being of anyone of us is to dis-empower one's inner Being. This was done in the fall and was done with the misuse of the human sexual function.

As the sexual power is what enhances and empowers the inner Being of anyone of us, giving the inner Being its power 'to be', using that power in the opposite, has the exact opposite effect, which is to dis-empower the inner Being.

This act engendered and lead to the unfolding of all of our negativity that we experience, encounter and face within ourselves and  with others today.

A very negative act such as that can only unfold more negative acts and characteristics. One can not expect paradise to come from negative acts. 

End (1936).

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